Working once again with Pint of Wine theatre company as they sought to develop a new musical based on Thorton Wilder's award-winning novel, first published in 1927. The story recounts of the deaths of several interrelated people following the collapse of an Inca rope bridge in Peru, and the events that precede the tragedy, The accident is investigated by a friar who has witnessed the accident.
The novel is extremely fondly regarded in the United States and won the Pulitzer Prize back in 1928. It has been adapted into four separate films – the last in 2004 – and is often cited as a source of inspiration by other authors. However it is less well known outside of the US.
Pint of Wine were looking to workshop the musical and needed an initial identity for the work that had the potential to develop and grow with it on its journey. With the story set in the early 18th century and with a monastic investigation at its core, it would be difficult to side step the ink running through the piece, so I broke out the calligraphy pens and a whole bunch of different textured paper and set to work.