Video and film is an area in which I dabble – but I LOVE dabbling.
I am gradually developing my skills – filming, editing, constructing narratives – but it's not the sort of thing you can easily plod away in front of a screen to achieve or wander off on your own to do. So, unless you want to be a vlogger, which, despite holding all sorts of strident opinions, I do not, you need collaborators.
When I do get to work with others, I try and sneak in some video work and work on my skills. Usually this is quite impromptu so the set up can be a little sketchy. It might be capturing a rehearsal process and creatively editing it together. It might be filming or editing promos for a purpose. Lockdown has provided plenty of opportunities to edit together various geographically-distanced singers and musician. Occasionally I get a specific project that can be afforded a little more love and attention. Really keen to do more of these, perhaps even work on one of the dozen screenplay/ film ideas I have shoved in various drawers, tucked away on hard drives, or gathering dust in the corners of my mind.
Featured here:
Promotional film for "How To Disappear Completely And Never Be Found" a play by Fin Kennedy. Tom Burgess, who plays the anti-hero Charlie Hunt, went above and beyond by immersing his lower half in freezing Thames water, and playing [mostly] dead.
Rehearsal footage for "A Little Night Music" by Stephen Sondheim. for Geoids Musical Theatre. Fredrik Egerman (Chris Waiting) and Carl Magnus Malcolm (Johan Samuelsson) sing "It Would Be Wonderful", bemoaning their frustrations with Desiree Armfeldt (Saratha Rajeswaran). Issie Osborne plays.
Bishopsgate Institute – a cultural and education charity in the City of London – activity including lunchtime concerts, swing dance, talks on social history of London, musical theatre and choirs. [silent footage intended to trial a video splash screen on website homepage ]
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