Posters that I have made...
Well... some of them, including a few favourites. They go back a long way, and some of them make me wince when I think about how I would approach them now that I am older and wiser. There are plenty of stories behind them – making words out of food; hand cutting dioramas from manuscript paper; using a photo of a genuine Covent Garden column as a background, or sourcing contemporaneous type from an archive to create a title for a period show – just so the end product feels more real or significant. I tack violently away from stock photography or illustration because it feels like cheating. It's easy enough to break out the inks for splashes and splats of colour. It's not a luddite soul driving me this way . I still use technology to bring it all together. I just want to feel like I have earned the final image, that I have put in the work.